First off, as many of you know Google Reader will be no more as of July 1, 2013. So sad, as I loved and used Reader all the time. There are various replacement options out there. Here is a link to an article noting a few of the options. I have played around with Feedly but am having a hard time with it, so decided to go with Bloglovin' (for now anyway). You can transfer all your Reader info to them very easily and I like their format. For those of you who wish to follow me via that route can do so via the widget on my sidebar (believe you have to sign up for the service to do so - but it's free). Otherwise, you can follow me via e-mail by signing up via the Feedburner icon on my sidebar. Clear as mud?! Will be an interesting ride via this transition I'm sure!
Now on to the pictures of our trip! I need to get some of my daughter's pictures up here too as she took some amazing ones with her new camera. She has such an eye for photography - wish I could say I had the same!
Think the highlight of our sightseeing was our trip to the Seattle Aquarium. I was curious to see it as we have a great aquarium in Vancouver, and it did not disappoint. Their Coastal Water exhibits were amazing! What you see here is what is found off the Pacific Northwest Coast! Can't believe vibrant colours of the starfish (the sunburst ones are amazing with all their legs - see the orange one in the bottom right hand corner) and I was loving that fabulous green colour of the sea anemones!!
This is a picture of my kids having fun with the "photo opp octopus".

Absolutely loves this otter logo!
Otters are my favorite animal and I could have stayed and watched them for hours. These are a few pictures I was able to get while at their second feeding of the day (they have four a day).
Did you know sea otters eat 20% of their body weight in food every day because they don't have a layer of blubber to keep them warm so they burn calories like crazy!! The large male eats 20 pounds of seafood a day and they have three females as well, so that is one big bill for high end seafood LOL!

As you can see we had a simply glorious day to tour the city with. Hard to beat the Pacific Northwest on a sunny day - yes, I am biased LOL!

This is my gorgeous daughter.

Hubby and my son as we rode the Seattle version of the London Eye. It was a large Ferris wheel with Plexiglas on all sides except the floor and the view was amazing!

Thanks for popping in. Back later today/early tomorrow morning with my Just Us Girls post.
Have a wonderful Friday :)

Oh my, how FUN! I love seeing your aquarium pictures, as well as your beautiful family! TFS!
What wonderful photos, Marisa...your daughter certainly does have an eye for photography! I felt like I got away for a few minutes there!
Fabulous photos, Marisa. Your daughter is looking more and more like you....she really is gorgeous and what a handsome son.
Wish I could eat and burn calories like the otter. LOL
The colors are beautiful on the starfish.
Yep, I've changed to Bloglovin' and will miss Google Reader. Guess I just don't like to change.
Oh what fabulous pictures!! Love those bright starfish! Wow!!!
Wonderful pictures of the family! They are beautiful!
Love all the pictures of your beautiful family. Looks like a wonderful trip!!
Your photos just prove -- it doesn't ALWAYS rain in Seattle! :)
Beautiful family...
Wow, looks like a amazing trip - family time is always special! Thanks for sharing ;)
sounds like you had a wonderful time. Precious memories for sure. Seattle is a great city :)
Nice! It looks like you had fun!
You lucky girl...that's one of our favorite places to visit. Looks like each and every member of your family enjoyed your trip!
We've been to the aquarium...wonderful exhibits! We watched an octopus open a jar and take food out of it...absolutely amazing! Have a great weekend!
Wait.... You were in Seattle and now I am in Seattle. We really are so close and yet so far! Someday!
Looks like you had a wonderful time. So glad you got to enjoy some precious time with your family. :)
Wonderful photos and memories Marisa! Lol, I wonder if I'm related to otters as I can eat at least 20% of my body weight each day too!
We have two school residential trips a year when we take groups of children to Derbyshire. One of the highlights is a visit to the Chestnut Centre, an Otter, Owl and Wildlife Park - you'd love it!
EEK!! You were in Seattle?? Hope you waved to me..LOL! I'm very close to Seattle. Looks like you had a great time!
Looks like you had a great time. Seattle is a great place to visit and I like the aquarium there too.
Fun pics!! Looks like y'all had a fabulous time!! Oh, I would love to take some time off...soon, I hope!!
What a beautiful family! Looks like you had a great time in Seattle! I LOVE Seattle :)
I love seeing the pics of your family! Looks like a great trip!
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